Transforming the way you do Professional Development, one tiny habit at a time.

The Wee Consultancy was founded by Claire Jackson in 2021 to help organisations in Australia, New Zealand, the UK & beyond transform the way they do professional development.

Claire is a training specialist and habits expert, passionate about delivering transformative training, talks, and services that drive meaningful change within organisations and, most importantly, their people.

With nearly two decades of experience in UK and Australian universities, she has honed her expertise in designing sector-leading skills training models and programs for career success. Claire has travelled the world sharing innovative approaches, co-designed with industry, academics, policy-makers, and students, and the impact created.

Rooted in journalism, Claire seamlessly integrates her love for communication and self-development into programs and presentations. Her life-changing story and the method behind it - Tiny®Habits - form the cornerstone of her work, empowering individuals to make lasting transformations across all areas of life.

Claire's contributions extend beyond training delivery; she was instrumental in establishing the Vitae Researcher Development Advisory Group (UK) and has co-authored international papers on PhD employability, specialising in industry engagement and impact.

As a qualified consultant (Level 5, CMI), project manager (Level D, IPMA), certified Habits Coach, MBA graduate, and 2021 graduate of the South Australia Governor’s Leadership Foundation (GLF) program, Claire brings a wealth of expertise to her engagements.

Connect with Claire on LinkedIn to embark on a journey of growth and transformation for your organisation today.

Our 7 core values as an organisation are:

  • Our secret sauce is lighting up the path to your success! We believe in inspiring through action, and helping you discover your own hidden superpowers and unleash you full potential for epic growth.

  • We're the ultimate idea generators! In our world, every brainstorm session is a whiteboard party. We're constantly cooking up fresh, out-of-the-box solutions to deliver 1% extra and spark positive transformations.

  • We're the guardians of the good vibes! Trust is our middle name, and what you see is what we’ll deliver. With honesty, transparency, and a big ol' dollop of authenticity, we're here to build relationships with no expiry date.

  • In the words of Helen Keller, alone we can do so little; together we can do so much! Picture a cosy campfire where diverse skillsets, knowledge and experiences come together to create magic. We thrive on the power of collaboration to help organisations and people reach their goals.

  • We're the champions of quality so you can be the kings and queens of service! Excellence isn't just a goal; it's our way of life, and we're constantly raising the bar and investing in ourselves so we help deliver your next big win.

  • We believe in being unapologetically us. Authenticity is our superpower. What you see is what you get, and what you get are the best results with a side of feel-good factor. We attract our dream clients by building genuine connections and community, so knowing your coffee order is where we’ll often start.

  • We're the change-makers of training consultancy services! Our mission? To make waves that reach far and wide, leaving a trail of positivity in our wake. We measure our success by the ripples of impact we create, leaving people feel energised, and lighting up the world one wee smile at a time.